
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Took my shoes for a run.

I wish I had more days like today, blue skies, mild temperature's, endless vistas. With an unknown destination I set out above Elfin Lakes to see where I would end up. It was 11km on a well used trail up to the two very beautiful mountain lakes to start with. It's quite isolated, I saw one party on their way down around RedHeather hut, other than that it was a pretty quiet mid week in the backcountry. The feeling I get with solitude and mountains is very spiritual, indescribable sometimes? 
I am alive in the backcountry, searing lungs and heavy breathing, quivering quads and aching feet. My mind is happy, my spirit free. In pursuit of this feeling I will always have.
I finished up back at my car 6 and a half hours later and just shy of 50km. Happy am I!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Must get out and run more, feeling like a lazy sloth lately? wtf??
Wanting to go out and get lost in the mountains, just pack light, alpine style and see how far I can go in a day. Must do! Must get my adventurous spirit back.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Skull capped

You are a dumbass! 
You drove your little convertible piece of shit too fast and you lost control...and now you lost the top of your head. Luckily my stomach contents stayed put but it was touch and go for awhile, just like your life. 
In the end though only one of us lost.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

And my wife wonders why I'm a little weird

It's where I learned the meaning and mindset of pushing myself. The only limits we have are the ones we put on ourselves. The only competition I have is with my brain. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Snakes and Ladders

Personally I think running some of the North Shore trails are the technically most difficult trails you will see anywhere. Rocks and roots, ups and downs, it's amazing trail running terrain.
The following picture is from Mt Seymour in Vancouver's north shore mountains...a trail runners paradise!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I was out for some hill training the other day, climbing Grouse Mtn via the BCMC(starting from Cleveland Dam), I was nearing the 3/4 mark of this steep climb when I came upon this wonderful old gentleman. Vintage gear, steady pace heart full of zest and adventure, wow how wonderful! how impressive!! how humbling!!
He was 85, has always had the love for being in the mountains and an adventurous spirit. We had just a quick chat, I could tell he was not a man full of useless banter. I can only hope I will be like this when I'm 85.